One of the companies I admire most, Adobe, let me down today. Do you guys ever really “use” the updates you send out? Have you considered that we’re not all sitting in little cubies in Mountain View when we do our updates?
In a standard security update for Acrobat Standard 6.0, you get stuck in an irreversable lock point where they force you to have your disk handy. My disk is 800 miles away. Now I have a non-working Acrobat 6.0. Jeez I’m glad I didn’t do this before my meeting (I used Acrobat at least a dozen times during my trip.)
Why can’t installation scripts look “ahead” to see if a disk is going to be needed before they start stir-frying files?!?!? Better yet, why not just make the download of the files you need an “option” of the install. Yes, yes, it might take a little longer, but I’m on 6mbt broadband here. C’mon, let me have them!