If you’re a local business, and you’re not in Google Local now, I must admit, possibly living in denial. Google 411 (1-800-GOOG411) is amazing, and I am just blown away that so many businesses haven’t taken the time to insert their company into the Google Local Business Center. We couldn’t find our favorite pizza restaurant through it tonight. Paid 411 is dead.
Another thing that’s apparent is that names not easily pronounced phonetically are going to be at a disadvantage without human assistance. Puccinis Pizza (pronounced Pooch-ee-nees) for example, will lose to simpler names such as “Mad Mushroom Pizza.”
The other thing I’m looking forward to is the ability to send the google results to my phone via text – and for attached coupons to come with the text into the phone (codes, hopefully, that the restaurants, etc. will accept over the phone.)