To start our conversation, use the form below. We price and negotiate in good faith based on the market value at the time of inquiry.
We’re honest and responsive. Here are some facts about buying domain names from BuzzMaven, Inc.
- We are not a domain broker – ALL of these names were purchased by us for our use on projects, and are in good standing with our registrar.
- To protect buyers and sellers, we only sell domain names through domain shield without exception. The buyer pays the escrow fee.
- We guarantee that purchased names will be transferred as quickly as possible provided the buyer is attentive to their emails during the process.
- Having a Godaddy account set up and ready can expedite the transfer process.
- Most purchased names are fully transferred within 48-72 hours. We have had the process go through in less time occasionally.
- We believe our names have a clean history, but it is the buyers’ responsibility to research all names for trademark, etc. before purchase. We encourage you to verify the names’ standing through whatever means you wish.